Really scrub down around 4pm using some soap with petals on it I got from the Body Shop at Gatwick. Then use a face mud pack - I must be dolling myself up for that Petra. she is blonde, long hair down below shoulders, kind but impish face and nature, German I think bit her English is really good. She wears a lot of beige cordueroy with zips and woollen bag (purple and crimson) and says things like " things are going to be just great !! why dont you hang out with us for a while". Us is some girls and a bloke I haven't seen yet, so obviously I hope they are OK too. Apparently tonight we are trying out a new liitle bar and then we'll maybe dance and then a backpackers party somewhere - before setting off to the Islands tomorrow. So scrub away SCRUB away the filth and dirt - scrape away the grease. Next I call Bob but my battery was flat and I just get a "hello" out of him. Next - more sleep. Must be refreshed and ready and willing !!
Then I draw quickly a sketch of Petra from memory and here is the result which I am quite pleased with - but not so pleased as to wish to show her, but I can keep a sketchbook of my adventures on the road and this can be sketch number one. My tooth strts aching and I gasp at the size of my toe nails, but then laugh because I have not got my clippers. Then I remember my Swiss Army Penknife - what a great thing if a bit broken, and I manage to waste a further 15 minutes clipping some very tough old yellowing toe nails. I look at myself in the mirror and see some spots and then wonder what to eat - fish maybe and I remember a photograph I saw recently of an absolutely huge catfish someone had caught in Spain it was absolutely huge. Maybe I should go fishing in Spain - that could be really great fun If I could bear getting so close to those wet slimy wriggly monsters, it could be a bit of a freak out.

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