Wednesday, 6 December 2006

Corfu Espresso Now !!

Today I go to Corfu Greece, and I expect a bit of luxury in Greece because I have paid for a couple of nights to kick off in a hotel. I shall be expecting some cheesy plate smashing and all that and also some women to at least chat with and then Spiro and his wife will pour some generous nightcaps before I sink into a peaceful calm. But all that will come later. First I had to call a cab to the station, and then to Victoria, I couldn’t get the automatic ticket machine to work and that annoyed me a bit but then – who cares I ‘m getting out of here. So then I sat on the train looking out of the window and thought about videos with views for trains – speeding countryside and films on trains and people who insist on going on life changing Rail Journeys in exotic places like the Tran Siberian express.

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