Tuesday, 19 December 2006

Rome is where my heart lies

So, anyway, I have bought a ticket to Rome. A plane ticket - fies tomorrow morning at 10 am so Italy here I come. Looking forward to seeing the collessium and eating Roma ice cream even if it is December and nearly christmas. I willbe looking for any old cheap hotel with a bit of character near the centre and as I havent ever been to Rome before i will explore. I am looking forward to getting out of Athens - and the best thing is that Petra is coming along for the ride. I just phoned Bob and he told me that he was very impressed with my travels so far even though I had pnly got as far as Athens - I seemed to have travelled a long way in my head and he thinks things are looking up for me. Well thats nice aint it ?. Sharon is doing well and spends the day in her dressing gown and slippers reading Hello and OK magazines. I met an very posh Englishman hanging around in a bookshop in Athens centre and we got talking. He thought I should try Golfing Holidays in Italy seeing as I was going there and had all the free time in the world. Isaid I did not play and he showed me a few swings and said even Larry David likes golf - you know from Curb Your Enthusiasm. I see what he means - I mean Larry David is quite cool and he likes Golf - so why not use him as a role model into my middle and old age. You see Golf gets you walking about the manicured countryside with the big sandpits and the fairways.

Still, tat is not why I have gone on this big adventure, certainly not to play golf. Icannot say exactly why I am on this adventure but I know that Rome is my next stop - so here I come Italy and look out - here comes my little honey - Petra the lady with the strange therapies and bad drinking habits.

We celebrate with a few vodkas and then crash out. Sleep tight. Sleep right. Sleeeeeeep. Fall asleep. Or just snooze.

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