Friday, 1 December 2006

Esten needs SunShine !

So, I (I am Esten Walker, hello there !) walk out of the door and see an old lady and she says to me,

"You need a holiday son" - you need to go somewhere" (and I will put links in occasionally of good sites where I can find this kind of information or other interesting stuff)

You see I know this lady - she is Patricia Barker and she lives on the same street as me in my home town here in UK - Barking.

So anyways - that starts me off thinking - well she could be right so I go to Suzy in the cafe and I order my coffee - you see its my day off from the job in IT (computing for you who dont know - you see I program like a mighty pen and the bosses like the way I do it quick - not always nice but quite often does the job)

Suzy has plaits, and she is quite nice to me - and sometimes Bob andrews who works in the office and who knocks around with me when he feels like it and his girlfriend Sharon Marks is run off home with her mum ( I like her mum - she always has a good nose round everything and everyone and is suspicious of everything - as if I had a gun or something - when all I do is the honest things like going down the shops or playing pitch and putt or drinking occasionally. Well a fair bit I suppose - mostly with Bob, but sometimes I have a bottle of Hungarian Wine on my own if the mood takes me - which is quite often really.)

So I says to Suzy - do I need a holiday ? and she laughs - WEee allll neeeed holidays - !! she says - Well where ? -

I'm biased - she says, I - part Greek and my hubby is part Greek and so - she leaves a gap - I say Greece.

I sit down with my Nescafe and try to do my sums - and all this happened 3 months ago - so I think I remember calling Bob on the mobile and checking what he thought and whether just maybe he was up for a break in Greece or some such sunny land (it was May and even though it was not that pleasant a day in Barking UK - I imagined it would probably be a scorcher in Greece) but Bob was not into it, because Sharon Marks was going with him later in the year to Tenerife and that would be his annual leave up the spout not to mention cash

So, I had a bit odf a brain flash and thought how nice it would be just to sod off on my own for a bit and perhaps take in Greece and maybe somewhere else and one thing led to another and I was doing my sums - and I often sit and do quite complicated sums in my head or on scrapso of paper because they quite excite me - especially if they are to do with money. These sums went quite wild and soon the possibilities became obvious and I wondered why I hadnt thhought of it earlier - here I was a 32 year old man boy with no ties and a girlfriend was a thing of the past - over 6 months past and I do not want you to think out there in Cyber Junky Land - you addicts - that I am a sad loser type who never stood a chance in the pairing it off with a woman stakes - but these days we are doing it later and one of my mates at work is over 40 and he has just had his first kid - and his wife is 25, and he seems quite happy. So he'll be about 58 when the kid comes of age and you see he doesnt smoke (drinks quite a bit but then dont we all ? ) and we are all living longer you know - if we are not all killed off by Global Warming, but then that'll be nearly all of us and who cares then - how do you explain that to the kids ? - still I can wait - there is time yet, I do not have a clock thing ticking in my abdomen - relax take your time - have a Hamlet cigar moment - life lasts for ever - it is eternal up until it finishes.

Greece - or the Greek Islands were a good idea - thats the best idea I had been given for a long time - but now I was thinking big. Quit the contract at P & Q Reliant, Sell the flat (maybe £100, 000 profit - Sell for £220,000 mortgage only £110,000 - factor in some costs and a loan to pay off and then BANK !) I was getting excited then - dribbling coffee - of course I'd thought of it many times before - but not seriously - I suppose Mum and Dad dying had triggered a late change in the chemical make up last year (car crash - near Barking - Dad driving and drunk NO DOUBT although we had been told nothing). My sister is older than me - Betty Dryden nee Walker of course and she had been as cut up as me - and we had to go trough that whole greiving thing together - but now she is back with hubby in Norwich and I only speak to her on the phone once or twice a month. I think she's OK now - -her husband Michael is nice enough - a stage manager at a local theatre - he can build sets really quick and shouts at people).

So thats how I decided to up sticks and shake my life down like a pet blanket. Get rid of the cobwebs out of my hair -and start celebrating life again.

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