Monday, 12 February 2007

Scotch Italian Style

After Italy - then maybe I#ll shoot across to the USA for a US adventure holiday of a lifetime
I have had a bit of an adventure again - it all started with Frank coming round to the Hotel at 6am and yelling at the top of his voice about me coming down and out with him for an early beer at a little strange fruit and veg market down in the South of the city somewhere. I was a bit cheesed off but said yes in the end and ran down to my compadre and we wobbled, cheery enough to this little place. There were 3 Italians in this little bar that had been open all night by the looks of them and we actually drank what they were drinking which was some kind of dodgy Scotch - there was much back slapping and cheerfulness although I could not undestand much. Frank got well into it. After about an hour a guy walks in wearing a very natty suit and the others greet him like a long lost brother and he struts in showing off his shades and shiny black shoes - but then, you see Frank had been a bit worse for wear, well he bumps into Frank and Frank spills his whiskey all down the guy's purple shirt. Now he doesnt like that much and he gets a bit physical, but the others try to calm him down, but he has a really hot temper and at one point he has Frank's long manky hair pulled back , and he gives it a smell, and he gives it a second smell, and then starts laughing - "you stupido - you smell like a girl !" he shouts in quite good English - Frank looks relieved and I look at him - he says he had a wash with this chick's herbal fruit shampoo - which was lucky because I do not think he does that much. The suity Italian then proceeds to buy us a bottle of Scotch and engages us in macho bout of heavy drinking. We stagger out of there - rubbing our poor eyes at around 11am and I only narrowly avoid sleeping in the gutter. Oh well there is always tomorrow.

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