Thursday, 31 May 2007
My Mind Tries to Contemplate Multiverses
I'm rambling, not on the moors of North England or Cornwall, but in my mind, I am rambling through my Egyptian experience and going whacko with alarming speed. The 17 hour drinking binge seemed a good idea at the time and Pete was the most amazing host - welcoming us back to his two up two down semi rural retreat to beat off the mother of all hangovers and paying for a smart cab back to our delightful OM something hotel and now I have a headache that reaches into my toes - twists my internal melon into sausage dog shapes and gives me violent kicks in the liver and kidneys. Bianca I think feels the same but that is just intuitive because we havent uttered a word now for 24 hors except GAWWD BLEEDING ELL . My mind - hemmed in by pain has taken routed of durvival I had not thought possible - dipping into the pool of sleep only for a moment because of the freezing cold nightmares that ensue I have taken to lying with my eyes open on the floor and then sometimes the bed and moaning. The moan has turned into a meditation on life with alcohol and tobacco - om om om and I have only smoked 5 Bensons since. My thoughts have wandered beyond the pyramids up into the multiverses beyond our simple convenient universe and out into the realms of the 11th dimensional tiny spotted lesser known miniverses that exist in the moist cleavage between the megaverses of the power kingdoms. Or some such nonsense that I cannot understand. Funny where the mind takes you - but I realised that my mind had reached its limit when it started to pop and fizz and then I knew that however much I tried I would never understand the infinity of multiverses out there.
Wednesday, 30 May 2007
The Lost Seventeen Hours in Cairo
Saturday, 26 May 2007
Do I want a Camel Ride ? - No !
Do I want a Camel Ride ? - Does your lovely big lady want a camel ride ? Would you both enjoy a ride on our friendly camels ? No was our answer - we have come to gawp at the Pyramids, and these geezers constantly hassle - so I dipped into my hip flask at regular intervals and rolled a few rollies and tried to take it all in my stride - but the camel requesting interventions became quite big and often so I had enough and we scooted back to Cairo and a well earned beer in our room.
Friday, 25 May 2007
Trashed in Om Kolthoon
The Om Kolthoom Hotel started to get on my nerves today, then took an upwards swing and finally redeemed itself and I fel calmer. Bianca pissed herself and I thought we'd have to go to an Egyptian doctor for assessment but she says it happens from time to time particularly if she has been mixing her drinks - in this case gin and wine, and we both agreed to agree that it was probably just an uncontrollable lapse in a time of high excitement- new country - Egypt, the prospect of visiting the Pyramids in the near future and also the added factor of some powerful heat, me massaging with an oil we had not heard of before (Koriasten Oil anyone ?) . I looked a bit sheepish at around 3.00pm but soon sprang out of that and then decided that we would do the pyramids in a day or two - but first get around Cairo by foot and bus and see some of the real Egypt. But instead we stayed in our Hootel room at the Om and trashed the day in a spectacular display of enjoying ourselves with limited resources - Bensons, Old Virginia, Rizlas, Wine and Spirits and some Egyptian Beer. Oh and a lighter (green). Bianca revealed more hairaising stories from Wigan in the Eighties and I rambled a lot about White Horses, Bill and Ben, Thunderbirds, Joe 90, and single malt Whisky. Bianca continued to worry me with her references to her Wrestler Father who would fight her boyfriends, get them in horrific arm ann neck locks and practically kill them ! I do not want to meet him even if he is 78 now.
Thursday, 24 May 2007
Booze in Egypt - a primer
Stepped into another world, the hustle and Bustle of Cairo International and the arab world - first impressions are of glitz and glass and heat - jump in a cab and head for the Om Kolthoom Hotel, an excellent hotel and jolly nice is I say so myself - good choice, in an ideal location. Although the rooms are basic, the service of the staff is five star, straight away Bianca required some medicine for a mosquito bite roght on the big bum of hers and I enquired politely in the lobby and the manager contacted a local chemists got delivery happening with aplomb and within ten minutes I had a fist full of medicine all for a total cost of 1 Euro! Nice one manager guy - you get a big virtual slap on the back for not being a slacker waster. But anyway I have found out about drinking: Although devout Muslims refrain from drinking alcohol, beer, wine, and hard liquor are available in bars, restaurants, and some grocery shops. Imported beer and wine are the most expensive, but the local beer called Stella is a light lager that is quite good, provided it has not sat in the sun too long. It comes in large (about 20 oz.) bottles and is about 4 to 5% alcohol about . Stella Export, available in bars and restaurants, is more expensive (4%), comes in smaller bottles, and is stronger--closer in alcohol content to most Western beers. Marzen, a dark, bock beer, appears briefly during the spring; Aswanli is the dark beer made in Aswan.
Brandy is drinkable only when diluted, and the local rum is not much better. However, zibib, the Egyptian version of Greek ouzo or Mexican anasato, is good either on the rocks or diluted with water (which turns it milky) as a before-dinner cocktail. Other hard liquors are imported and therefore are limited (the ports at Suez and Alexandria seem to have the widest variety) and expensive. If you drink regularly, plan on stocking up at a duty-free store before you enter Egypt. an I do drink regularly so I have stocked up - clever old me eh ? and I have some nice bottles of Brandy, Gin - two very nice bottles of Chateaux Neuf du Pape and assorted mini bottles of god knows what - chin chin my luvva.
Brandy is drinkable only when diluted, and the local rum is not much better. However, zibib, the Egyptian version of Greek ouzo or Mexican anasato, is good either on the rocks or diluted with water (which turns it milky) as a before-dinner cocktail. Other hard liquors are imported and therefore are limited (the ports at Suez and Alexandria seem to have the widest variety) and expensive. If you drink regularly, plan on stocking up at a duty-free store before you enter Egypt. an I do drink regularly so I have stocked up - clever old me eh ? and I have some nice bottles of Brandy, Gin - two very nice bottles of Chateaux Neuf du Pape and assorted mini bottles of god knows what - chin chin my luvva.
Wednesday, 23 May 2007
Long live the Sphinx
Busy Busy Busy - Flew to Rome, got outta that Palermo place that was doing my nut in, except for yesterdays exertions at Etna, which did Bianca in physically, but me I'm a sprightly chap, and who said a bottle of stiff brandy was any hinderance to volcano climbing ? eh ? well apart from spluttering and wheezing a bit and bending over nearly vomiting it was damn easy- and although actually we did not make it up to the top (anywhee near) do not tell Bianca ! she thinks I'm some kindda miracle man !. Anyway Back in my old stomping ground with the big girl by my side and all thoughts of Petra and April banished to my inner sanctum. Rome feels different and we are staying one night in a modern anonymous hotel that feels like living in a polished kettle. I have taken to drinking champagne so bottoms up. And I have watched Spongebob Squarepants on TV, great ! I love Patrick, he reminds me of me ! Tomorrow we flyto Cairo - so tonight its bubbly time and Bianca wobbled out of the shower and sat on my face with glee. Later we danced to the muzak on the TV radio and listened to the Pope pontificate like he can. Nice day - looking forward to a change in culture - must remember to take some spirits - can you drink in Egypt - I'd better find out - we'll have to cancel if I am going to risk my limbs for my liver. The carpet here is nice and soft and I have rolled around on it quite a lot - spilt some champers and smoked 20 Benson in 5 hours - nice going for a cool operator. Here is to tomorrow and Egypt !! Long live the sphinx.
Tuesday, 22 May 2007
Mount Etna Too Much for Bianca
Yes, still here, but guys and gals - we went up Mount Etna - can you believe it ! and I shall ramble on now about it because I loved it ! Bianca hated it - it was too much for a fat one but Sicily's greatest natural attraction, Mount Etna, baby, is also its highest mountain and I mean high, especially if you have been dopping the odd swig of Brandy and relying on Sudafed to keep you on your toes. To the ancient Greeks, Mount Etna was the homeland of Vulcan, crazy god of fire, and the home of that one-eyed monster known as the Cyclops. More facts - It is 3350 meters high and is Europe's highest active volcano, funny that I thought it was Vesuvius, but I was wrong. Amazingly, but obviously, the height of its summit changes with each eruption, and over the centuries a few lava flows have reached the coast. Over 1200 square meters of Etna's surface is covered with solid lava. You can ski in the Winter, and hike in the woods in Summer and that is what we did. It was a day out to remember, but I dont remeber that much because my head was frazzled by too much sun and Brandy and the constant earache that Bianca gave me - which I dealt with by depositing her with a scared looking guide who then took her to a Pizzaria and chatted to her whie drinking l;arge quantities of bee. I then trudged off to enjoy what I could and there was some breathtaking scenery. I recommend it, I think.
Saturday, 19 May 2007
Dont drink yourselves to death please !
Dick the horn turns out to be a bit of an old philosopher and he has been setting me straight on the ways of the world - as seen through the bottom of my ever full glass, and he thinks that I drink the way I do because i like it and it makes me feel great and that I should not listen to the ever increasing barrage of baloney that is coming my way about the quantity and mixture of alcoholic beverages that seem to swish down my gullett with such ease. I mean, he says, you obviously have an enormous liver and the capacity to drink Europe dry if not Africa, Asia, Antarctica, Australasia, America (south and north) etc etc. So why shouldnt I ? eh? its my life, and I'll probably be one of these lucky sodes who ive to ninety and everyone says, god he drank and smoked like a chimney and he hasnt died - why the hell not the lucky basrardos. And its not like I am trying to get you lot whoever you are (but I know you are there somewhere and I may come and visit your country and drink your country dry), its not like I'm trying to get you lot to drink yourselves to death, I mean, you do have some intelligence do you not, you are not going to do that are you ? unless you want to - and then you are probably not reading this - because this blog is happy most of the time and about my travels. So that is that and Dick the trumpet is right - so there.
Friday, 18 May 2007
Trumpet in the Park
Aha Aha - me and my lovely bottle of Smirnoff Vodka - Tonic water and slices of beutiful Sicilian Lemons - One great thing about this place is the lemons man - dont twist my melon man, make it a lemon man ! So Vodka Tonic, unlike Gin and Tonic there is no and, so I a no anded, Look no ands !! I'm numbing my self in a harmless no anded way with the delights of brain sedation Vodka Tonic style here in Palermo with Dick the trumpeter from Stoke who is like me - on the travels - and likes a drink or two of his favourite drink, which he thought he would share with me, being the aforementioned Vodka Tonic with ice and a slice. Dick is one of your lone backpacker types but his angle is his trumpet which hangs vunerably off his North Face Rucksack. Nut he plays it mean and clean and after a snifter and a couple of Bensons he was jamming up Mile Davis stylee in the park and disturbung the Italians. So I told him to play something they might like and he played a great version of Fly Me to The Moon. Ahhh these are OK days a s I wait for Bianca to settle her formalities out.
Thursday, 17 May 2007
Smelly times
Stuck - yes stuck here (not in the middle with you) but with Biamca in Palermo - I know I'm like a stuck record - but I have resorted to drinking Absinthe and coke - so watch out Egypt - but of course not for a while - bugger OH buggeration , how long do I have to suffer he boredom of being in one place when all I want is to be in another. There I dream upon a pyramid or sphinx - but Bianca is having money and papers trouble - I will not go further than to say she also has the shits - which worries me and stinks out our en suite here at Georginos and I need to smoke Bensons by the score to get rid of the smell.
Tuesday, 15 May 2007
Stuck in Palermo with the Memphis Blues again
Jesus Effing Christ almighty - will we ever get out of Palermo ? - Bianca is strutting around with her belly sticking out buying up armloads of suntan cream and moisturiser so that we do not burn in Egypt - the dog down the bottom of our strada gave me a hefty nip and I'm in pain on the thigh. Bloody dogs - should be locked up. I'm dragging my knuckles on the floor and sporting a fearful frown and I do say gormless things like "make me my supper you slapper" and Bianca covers me in shaving cream and kicks me hard on the shins. I resorted to the simple pleasures of beer and sulked off to drink some tinnies in a park while Biance did whatever she had to do. Roll on Egypt.
Sunday, 13 May 2007
A good day with JD and Coke
Had a Bottle Of Jack Daniels and a pouch of Drum sort of day today ! very nice here in Palermo in my otel room with Bianca all day - farting and laughing drinking and plinking, smoking and joking and being like quite happy in a sort of contrived forced wy , which is only natural considering the amount of artificial stimulants we were imbibing. The big joke of the day was Bianca's hair which went a bizarre green following a mishap with some hair colouring she was doing - hence our decision to TRASH the day inside. She got over the hair debacle after the first JD and Coke and was bounding round the room after the second. Quite scary given the size of my lady - and and do know (Bob if ou are listening !) that it is possible to be squashed to death by a big lady. I will not bother to go into that anymore (Bob !) but suffice to say I kept my wits about me even as I entered the 4th and 5th JD and Coke zone where it all went a bit surreal with the Green Hair - Cherry pants and the dog that somehow got in and chewed up my book.
A good day though.
A good day though.
Saturday, 12 May 2007
Practical Stuff
All fussing and dithering - trying to ensure that Bianca's paper and moeny are all OK for the next few months and a bit of ringing back to Barking and Wigan for advice and the like - dont you know it Bob ! thanks mate - Yes I had had a few Shandies last night - hope I was sitill coherent. Palermo has been lovely and we have hooked up with Ribena - a friendly Dutch Crusty who knows a few ropes round here - and we have drunk Scothch with her on a boat !! She ahs got me into Rollies and I now have to carry my Smoking Takle around and hassle people for Rizlas - Great ! Still - Bianca has her stuff pretty much sorted out and her Mother never showed up - which was a blessed relief - it turned out that she had to go to a funeral - ahhh! So our Egypt plan is looking like bursting into fruition next week once we get a flight sorted out - and Ribena says it may be best to fly to Rome and then on to Cairo - such a sweet girl.
Wednesday, 9 May 2007
egypt next
I must admit that hanging around Beautiful Palermo with Bianca in tow and sampling the cafes and bars - eating the odd pizza (keavy on the anchovies and olives please !) has been bliss but of course I have become a bit unhinged. "Pull yourself together " I hear her say many times in the day and I look at my pointy feet and try to reassemble myself into a decent travelling companiion because I can feel an epic movement starting to happen and I think we are going to Egypt ! somewhere that I would love to visit - The pyramids and all that - and hot and sweaty Cairo after a few beers should be very interesting - Bianca said today that I resembled a toad - wise but green around the gills - I think I need some Egyptian Spice. So here we go
Tuesday, 8 May 2007
Talking to Bianca in a Bar
I heard a screeching in my head today and Bianca says I ought to let out a few demons - so in my usual style I smoked a few relaxing Benson's and enjoyed some Palermo sunshine sitting outside some bar called Lo Jerco or something like that and devoured a carafe of farmers wine - and Bianca keeps saying "come on !!!, let them out you nutter" - so I give her an earful - telling her about my dead parents and the car crash and my borng life in Barking and the drug crazed afternoons at Bob's house - old Bob and Sharon - I havent thought about them for a while, I wonder how the new baby is. And then I made up a load of stuff about white swans and ravaged goats - cheese in the West country and my dancing career - how i had tap danced through college and muffed a few exams because of it and how noone had accepted me until I met Jessica. She was the first love of my life and bought me Refreshers and dripped cider down my ever eager throat while I tried to smoke Havana Cigars. My forehead never stopped dripping with sweat at school - and the furrows opened up like canals - I would barge past people and run to teachers begging for errands like delivering the register, It was like cool nirvana if I got the errand and I would relish with an inner glee the beautiful freedom it gave me and the honour of it all. Then I took to spending days on end in the sick room with Vodka binges and stashes of low class cigarettes. The music scene grabbed me by the balls but I kicked it off. Hobbies came and went quicker. TV started to dominate, accompanied by intensive sherry drinking and telephone calls to half hearted aquaintences in the surrounding outlying rural areas (farms and smallholdings mainly - some of them lived in rented accomodation). But I got through it all - and emerged from my living hell into another living hell - WORK - and that is what I have run away from - Its all a white lie - but the beautiful flabmeister Bianca fell for it hook line and sinker - and now she is mopping my furrowed canals and treating me like a gentleman. Ah - it is ood to talk sometimes...
Monday, 7 May 2007
Drunken Driving in Palermo Area
Went out for a little drive in a hire car - Yes Bianca can drive ! - so we visited some local villages nearish Palermo - Coaucu, Croce Verde, Gibilrossa - up 400m and fresh feeling and I was ripe for a bevy. So we bundled in to a little cafe and drank very cheap red wine all afternoon and Bianca forgot she was driving - silly arsehole and so did I so I had to sober her up by dunking her in a full basin of ice cold water - I said to the barman in sign language and mutterings - that the lady was a bit pissed and we were driving - and he brewed up a special brain sizzler coffee that made her hair stand on end - like the squirrel in Hoodwinked what I saw in Seville recently on a drab day on my own in my despodency before the big fat Mamma arrived and whisked me off into drunken driving adventures like Wild at Heart. So anyways, the coffee seemed to work and she clambered back in (squeezed more like) to the car and we sped off at high speed back to our beloved Palermo hotel and sleep.
Friday, 4 May 2007
Shut eye - Shut Gob
I have been trying to persuade Bianca to shave her hair off like Britney Spears but she seems to be worried that her Mother (who arrives here in Palermo on Tuesday next week) would not approve. I called her a chicken and she went into a Tequila sulk for 5 hours and I though she was going to get silly with a gun or something but I do not think she has access to one (I hope bloody not for my sake) like a William Burroughs style Junky shooting or something saucy like that. But no violence ensued today - lucky really - we do not want to wake up the Mafia. I've got enough problems - like trying to relearn standing up straight after being given a toke on some wicked weed - only two tokes and I wa dripping into a melting pot of mixed up psychadelic Sicilian hoodoo voodoo. I was given the snatch of illicit cooch by Racy Stevens, an American I have been nodding at incoherently in a couple of bars here recently - and it turned out he hought I wanted to purchase - but quiye honestly after I have topped up my alcohol level to my required amounts and had me fill of Bensons - the old Mary Jane does my poor little fried head in big time. So Bianca looked like a twoo headed monster from a Godzilla movie and I was only 1 foot tall with a misguided idea that if I looked like I was playing mind football everyone would think I was dancing. But I kept in a good frame of mind and did not get paranoid - at least not enough to worry about - for chists sake I'm free ! free as a white seagull and I can do whatever I like - so the last thing I want to do is get paranoid - alright - have you go that you chicken pluckers. Now - back to spooning Bianca and a pleasant kip - ahhh the night time is my salvation - a bit of well earned SHUT EYE !!
Thursday, 3 May 2007
Palermo and Champagne
Great - a simple life - sick only twice yesterday - and here in Palermo I'm starting to reconstruct myself with the one babe bevy of beauty Bianca - and by god I needed that. Staying here at Giorgios, who seems a nice chap and we are contemplating our navels and navel gazing is a great hobby of mine - of course we have splashed out on some Champagne - a case to be precise because my money is lasting (I HOPE) and I have smoked the finest Benson and Hedges I have had all travels. Bianca keeps saying she is going to switch to red wine and then like the crazy gal she is she opens another bottle of the champers - oh darling dooo open another bottle of that stuff its simply devine. So not much to report n Palermo yet except some irate locals getting all Sicilian with us because we couldnt walk in a straight line in this surreal taxi ramp with hmps on it and ended up in a fish shop with euros falling out of my pocket - and most of my money now smells of fish - bloody hell that is vile. Bianca poned her mum and she is threatening to come out and take her home - I can see an almighty bust up - apparently she is looking at a flight out to Palermo early next week - so I wanna be outta here by then - but of Bianca darling comes first and I suppose if she wants to see her mummy (you should have heard the swearing gor blimey)
then she'll have to see her mummy dearest. Another swig and another toke and another settle back right now to the sweet sounds of Armchair Astronaut my favourite label of all time and all infinity backwards - check them out !
Wednesday, 2 May 2007
Exploring with Bianca
Well, where the hell have I been then - and yes if you were wondering, yes I have mangaed to use my powers of persuasion and entice the lovely big and bubbly Bianca to enjoy a meander through the Worlds more Esoteric spots and to pick my spots too if she so desires, and that is the least of my worries her desires - because we have been lurching from one watering hole to another in an attempt to drink Spain dry and then - in this last week of non communication - I have been too bladdered to type folks - we went back to Italy - tried Sardines in Sardinia and wandered in very hot temperatures where the Aga Khan jet set partied in the sixties on the beutiful Emerald Coast and we even had ime for a spot of snorkelling in between bouts of desperatebeer drinking in bars with AC Milan fans. OOH by eck this girl can put away a truck load of booze, and she likes her sandwiches too - cheese and pickle mainly. She is nce though and she has been very kind and generous - even buying a round in Cagliari when I had completely forgotten where my wallet was - and bought me a screwdriver to repair my plug adapter thingy which I had bust by ripping out of the wall (and damaging some local property in Olbia). Still, it has been nice - and now we have ended up in Sicily of all places - Palermo - and I have my feet up with a big bottle of cheap lager and I am now ordering Bianca to write something - here she comes .... Hello world - and MUM !! I've copped a right wanker here - but he's got me to leave a right bunch of tosspots in Seville so I am glad for him to be in the right place at the right time and he does own a male dongle - so I shouldnt complain and he aint too demanding if you know waht I mean. Weather is lovely - beer is still cheap and he does most of the buying - none of this Dutch milarky - so I aint going to moan - looking forward to grinding my ass in a few clubs if I can persuade him to get off his ass and do something... Love to you all my little kittens !!
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